Monday, April 4, 2011

Dear Diarrhea (Abridged),

I'm in Korea!

I made a huge mental list of things to do before I arrived. I've certainly put a dent in the list.

So far I've...
-had diarrhea in Korea (only on the list so I could say it)
-eaten several Imsil Cheese Pizzas (100% rice!)
-met a Celiac
-hiked several mountains
-learned to read Hangul
-visited Seoul/met Mr. Kim, saw him play the ajaeng
-bought a violin and started taking lessons
-been taking Taekwondo lessons
-visited palaces, museums and temples
-shopped at the worlds largest department store
-visited the beach (Gwananli & Haeundae)
-made a friend with a Super Nintendo
-taught yoga on a mountain
-met a cognitive behavioral therapist chick who drums in a band called London Scat Party (okay, so maybe my list wasn't that specific)
-hula hooped in the snow on a mountain with cats at twilight (add that to your list)
-purchased art supplies/painted
-seen cherry blossoms!
-learned the Korean word for poo; 똥 (*see "To Do List" below)
-made many Korean and way-gook (foreign) friends
-been to the cat cafe (although there were no cats!)
-eaten a kiwi shake and a sweet potato shake (add those to your list)
-found reishi mushrooms (Koreans call them yeongi)
-bought a bike and biked the Oncheon river trail
-tried 번데기 (Beondegi = silk worm pupae)
-been to the 노래방, 찜질방, Wii방, DVD방, PC방
-met a boy :-x

TO DO...
-temple stay
-go to a Korean metal show
-have an art show at CCC coffee shop
-eat dog soup
-eat moving squid
-hang glide
-swim with sharks ($80)
-eat goat at the Black Goat Village
-ferry to Japan, eat seafood
-sell tiny paintings at the tiny crafts fair near PNU
-make 똥 T-shirts *
-organize wacky shows, kickball & soccer games in the park
-go to a baseball game ($10, I live right by the stadium)
-trip to COSTCO
-join the writing club on Sundays
-ice skate
-buy a bow and arrow from the folk village/practice archery somewhere safe
-visit the tea fields
-pick mugwort, like all the old ladies do here
-get acupuncture
-get a Thai massage
-ride bike to Gwananli beach and eat Imsil Cheese Pizza
-eat at all 3 Loving Hut locations

Things I miss....
-Leu Gardens
-Biologe conditioner
-gay people

My biggest complaints...
-so...there is this puddle at SpaLand, at the outdoor hot spring bath...
whenever I get out to lay on the lounge chair I step in this cold puddle. It's ruining my life!
-oh yea.. and Rhae Royal isn't here

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